Vendor Application 2025

2025 Vendor Application (PDF)

2025 Vendor Application (Word)

If you are interested in being a direct sales vendor at this year’s festival, please fill out the form linked above and mail it to the address listed at the bottom of the form. Applications are due March 28, 2025.

Direct sale items are usually items that would be considered ineligible for the craft show. If you are interested, contact Leslie Cook using the information below to discuss what you would be selling and your availability during festival weekend.

Receipt, site map, booth number and rules will be returned as confirmation of acceptance AFTER April 1, 2025.

Please note that multiple vendors of the same product line will not be permitted. Examples of this would include Pampered Chef, Avon, Sensi, ColorStreet, and so forth.

Leslie Cook
(269) 816-4431


  1. How much does it cost to be a vendor. I make woodcrafting items

  2. Erin Schelter

    Do you accept trailer vendors for this event? I operate a mobile coffee trailer. The application said no electricity or generators, and I didn’t know if that was for a specific area of the festival or just overall. Thank you in advance!

  3. Melissa Austin

    Do you accept vendors selling baked goods under the Michigan cottage food law?

  4. MaryAnn Hayes

    -Please reach out to Leslie Cook at 269-81-

  5. Sarah pesonen

    Hi there,
    Are all the spot full for tumbler, shirts/sweatshirts? I own Janeys design shack.

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